Monday, March 24, 2014

Some days (Humor for single mommies cause I know you'd be a millionaire by now like me)

"Mommy, mommy, mom, mommy", if we had a quarter for every time we hear this we'd be taking a vacation.  Seriously this word is a word that our ears sometimes cringe in hearing, so often and every day this is the word that could break in moments of being caught up in what it is you need to be doing to stop and pay attention to what lays behind that "Mommy" calling.  As you just want to finish the task at hand you walk to your mommy caller and listen to what the request at hand is for the 50 000 time lol. Is it hunger yet again?, is it a question that we won't quite understand where they get those questions from?, thirst?. 

One of the joys of being a single mom in wishing you were an octopus at times ha ha, actually I do clearly remember my daughter telling me the other day she wishes I was an octopus, nice to know our child would love seeing us be or turn into some sea creature only to cater to their forever wants.  They want what they want in the exact moment it comes to their mind and there ain't no stopping them until it is heard.  Sometimes it is a task on its own to be right there right away to be in compliance to what it is they so desperately want or need your full attention for.  However this is what teaches us to be the best multi-tasker to ever live.  Who says you can not do ten things at once and get it done to its best while doing so many things in between?  Us single moms can prove other wise, it may be a tad of a disaster during the process but in the end you would of never known the disaster ever existed.

Sometimes it is something so simple it brings tears to your eyes in knowing the all you left to hear, "oh I just wanted to know where you were", or "oh I just wanted to know you are here", really?  where else would we be, like we would be gone and leaving behind our child alone to do just about anything thought of in their minds but oh so very intelligent minds, that's why no kid is ever left alone, and just because it is not right to do and harmful.  However I do believe we wished we could sometimes ha ha.  Then there is the whines, cries, that happen off and on through out times of so many of tasks going on that it is enough to make your head spin feeling like a yo-yo going back and forth in between.

Or the forever up and down of the endless requests, by no means these ups and downs I do not mean as a roller coaster ride, it is the moment you have a second to just sit to have a rest, get comfortable then bam, "Mom can I have", there goes the second of rest you thought you'd be getting, then this oh no this just don't happen once, this is as bad as many times you hear the mom, mommy, mom through out your day as well.  Yes it is all a vicious circle on its own, yet through it you find the one thing to ease that yo yo feeling in all of you, that is the "I love yous" that are quite constant as the mom, mommy, mom you hear as much through your day that helps ease the yelling inside of you that you wished you could yell out loud.

I can always see it in another moms eyes as I instantly turn to the word mom even though my daughter is not with me, I know exactly what that mom is thinking, feeling, perhaps wanting to do ha ha .  Yet in it all when you sit to think and reflect on your day you start to see the story in all the up and down you do, in all the mom , mommy, mom that you hear, you start to understand that it is all nothing but of the greatest to be that person that little bright life needs an depends on, that you always stop right away what you do knowing what is more important in the hustle and bustle of the world wind of life you go through each day. That no matter what the "I love yous" will always carry you through the most trying of times as you cringe at the time in the mom, mommy, mom noises.

Then as you think of what it was each time they wanted you, you smile in remembering the task of something hard they were doing and finally accomplished it, or even to just knowing that they wanted to know you were there, as though a test to see if you will stop anything just to get to them and acknowledge them and their presence.  One time I remember my daughter was forever in desperate need of coming to her attention as I tried doing the million things ahead of me to stop and read a note she had written on her chalk board that she was so proud of "A bond that can not be undone because love is in bloom", that to me was a moment that made me understand that no matter how in demand you are in that in the frustration of getting things done on the other end of it is a true gift, a love that is endless, and all worth while the break of what you had to leave behind.

At the end of the day through it all you truly understand and realize that all you go through each day is worth what it is you do, raising a beautiful life to be at its fullest it can be.  On your own it is a forever battle between attention to your little one, to getting so many things done that need you attention, however as the day comes to an end your reward is that through the storm you made it again, through it with precious of memories that last forever in your heart.  Although while we sleep we probably talk in our sleep saying mom, mommy, mom because that is all our mind has been programmed to hear through the day.

Same goes for my daughter there are so many times I am startled through the night thinking and jumping thinking something is wrong as I hear mommy, rushing to see her eyes closed talking in her sleep, really? I think to myself in the sleep it happens to?? ha ha.  Yet smile in knowing at least this time it was a false alarm, until day breaks yet again to start a new.  

Then lets not forget through it all we have to be a human dictionary for the thousand times in a day of words that cause the mom, mommy, mom calling, to actually sometimes have to sit and think of what it is your child is in need of knowing lol.  This to me is a forever on going thing in life right now and at the most oddest of times it occurs, before going to sleep, on the toilet, where ever, but knowing you also are the teacher in the growth of your little one it also can be scratching of nails on a chalk board, moments you wished you had a walking dictionary there to help you out while you stumble to get what your doing done.

I know so much sarcasm in this post but we need it sometimes to lighten the forever needs of all of our being in each and every day we are nurturing our child to grow and to love.  It just goes to show that in frustration love never leaves, that it is ok to feel annoyed, frustrated, cringing, or the tears that feel to come on in all the chaos that we get caught up in sometime, yet through the day as it ends we gather back our all to smile in the proud of what it is we do on a daily basis with all the love in our hearts to the ones that mean the world to our life. That yet again we made it through, nothing broken, nothing hurt, not a hair damaged.

There is not anything that stops us from being there for our child no matter how hard the days are, to know in our heart we do this on our own to see our child be the amazing little person that they are makes us understand, even through the feeling annoyed or frustrated we are doing something right.  That even when patience are felt to be gone they are never truly out the window, that the little extra needed is always within us to grab on to.

So I bravely say and endure the mom, mommy, mom, the up, down, up, down to know that it is all part of the motherhood of life we all endure but make it through, that at the end of the day our heart feels full in knowing our child was never left hanging, or never left wondering of so many words that they so demanding wanted to know of right away.  That through it all you are their teacher, no matter what you are doing in between, teacher, nurturer, chef, cleaner, and most of all ENDLESS LOVE.  Yes and all done alone, even in times of wishing you had that extra pair of hands the gratefulness comes knowing it was all in just your pair of hands you made it through.

Yes some days you feel as though you are in the circus and the famous juggling act preforming your best not wanting to drop a thing however in being a single mom that juggling act is different things are suppose to drop, your child depends on you and to just ignore is as to say you do not want to be there, that they feel that they are not being seen in life that they are second to what it is you do, it is us and only us to always make them feel and know they are number one even if you do five other things while you tend to what it is they need for the millionth time that day, that is all they need to see always is that no matter what they are number one in your life.

So to all the mom, mommy, mom annoyance in the end of it there is nothing but that one thing that they always see in you, that in your life they are your number one and secure in knowing you will always be there for them no matter how little or big of situation.  The other day I seen a little child with their parents talking and talking and talking not even getting a glance to as the parents kept walking in total dismissive of what it was that child wanted or to even just hear what it was that child wanted them to hear, I smiled in knowing in all that I do I never dismiss my child for anything or anyone and done all on my own.

If we as the dependents of our child don't take time to be there for a child, who will?  No one it is up to us to be there no matter how small the case be, we are the ones that are forever the person that is responsible for the life we have made, that it is us that helps them grow into all of what we want them to be.  If we forever put things ahead of them how will we ever be able to pay attention to help them grow, to be the teacher of their questions to help them learn, to help them know they are secured and loved in their life no matter what.

Single mommies know the calling and stop for what ever reason at hand, we know that our little one is our number 1 and how to juggle the best in every day that comes our way.  Even through frustration we know our child is important, that to us they are the only family we have, that in us there is not nothing we can not do looking to all the things done on our own already.  So all single mommies I say mom, mommy,mom ha ha keep on being the great love that you are.


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