Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Do you remember the times when we were younger how outside was our fun, our imagination, our get away?, the only place where we wanted to be playing with friends, being in the fresh air, no TV, no electronics, devices, games to play on TV.  Through out our days it never fizzed us to know or feel what boring was but simply keeping ourselves occupied with our own imagination of games played outside, knowing as soon as the street lights came on we better be inside or we would hear the screeching yell of our names called to get our butts inside.  

I don't remember wanting to ever occupy my time with electronics, devices, games, all of which consume our lives so much on a daily basis now a days.   I remember drawing, playing with my toys, wanting to be in the outdoors climbing, jumping, getting into some good trouble haha, where did hide and seek go?.  Social media, laptops, computers, ps4, is all consumed by our lives these days that the outdoors you barely see of any child/children play as you walk the streets.  Although social media has brought a lot of good and connecting of greatness in our lives I still am frowning upon it all when it comes to my child.  

I do not want her to be the one that is so consumed by all these gadgets that she forgets what imagination is, that how fun it is to just draw or simply play with toys.  Yes sometimes I find myself becoming a victim to the over load of online, cell phones, social media, yet I never ever forget where the true realness of life stands.  

If your a single parent it is easy at times to plug in your child to get things you need done to occupy your child so you don't have to pull your hair out with all the mom, ma, mommies, yet there is a point where you have to be the leader to teach your child/children that all this stuff is not the only way of life.  That the great outdoors has more meaning to any device that makes them happy to play or do.  

To just say enough is enough to take a break and go outside, to show them that outside is a fun place to, that it is more to be outside than caught up inside consumed in games and computers.  I know of so many that just over look this but how are we going to teach our child that life is more than just materialistic things if we as their parent does not show them.  

Yes I know the tantrums that could wake the dead is what mostly holds us back from unplugging,  yet worth it when the tantrum subsides and quiets to find a smile on your child's face as your spending time outside having fun in simple things, throwing a ball, finding butterflies, seeing fire flies, taking a walk, seeing all the beauty that is all around you to take it all in.  

This is a huge issue for me, every day its a battle to stop and pull my daughter from what she is doing to simply get her away from what could very well consume all her time.  Even to just sit and talk, or draw a picture, or even make some crafts, for me it is more and more important to take that place back in the day and use it in these days where we have so much more to occupy us but yet keep us from life going on happening outside.

Wow I would of never thought of the many thing these days that have been created and so easily distracted by to keep us from what real life happens outside, we get so wrapped into these things we sometimes block out the whole world, I know it happens to me and when it does I shake my head in awe of how it was when I was a child to how different it is today for our kids.  Yet it is never too hard to keep those days alive even if for a couple hours, or sometimes to unplug for the weekend, just to keep grounded and let your child see there is way more to life than all the stuff that is out today that is fun yet keeps them from own imagination or the world that is going on outside.

Yes I confess to plugging in my child sometimes because as a single parent there are things you want to be done and get done with out interruptions, yet I never let it get to the point where its a hour after hour thing, I keep in perspective of how my life was as a child and bring that into my daughters life, so she don't lose imagination, or miss the wondrous of outside.  I hear all the screaming and tantrums around the world as other parents feel the same way having to tear away their child away from all the gadgets of today.

However I do know it is something enjoyed by our child yet know how more important it is to not have more than enough of a good thing, to let it be in moderation, but wow what a battle, yet in that battle is for very good intentions even though they may not see now they will when older with own children ha ha payback lol.  It is so very hard as a single parent I believe to balance that out because it is just one of us that battles this out every day and sometimes feel the need to not want to face that battle sometimes.

It truly is a big ongoing issue in every household I believe, way too much at our finger tips and not enough time to play it.  I myself find myself sometimes clinging to my cell phone, shaking my head thinking back to the days I did not have one and what it was I did with out one, so why change now, however there are some that need that connection if working from home, yet it is very easy to not go all out and take the time to take the breaks you need so your not caught up in it all as well, what our children learn from us, they see us do they soon do.  If they see us taking the breaks then soon they catch on and that battle that once was so horrifying becomes less and less. It truly frightens me that so much is around us, that if we let it could very well take over our child and all that they would want to do.

This is not to say to never let our child have their fun, this is to say in moderation as it is to everything else, to keep in their life to see there is life outside, that to take notice in life outside of their gadgets inside, to know to learn to take breaks and not have to battle the to do it, to keep their imagination alive, to bring back the days where we lived in with none of what they have these days.  To remember there is things outside to have fun with, functions to be at and have just as much fun, just to value that there is more to life than missing real life outside of their bubble of many gadgets of the indoors.

If it is not us enforcing this into our child's life no one else will, we are the ones they look up to, learn from and grow to be what they see in us.  It's hard at times the yelling and tantrums but soon enough it quiets and they see from you that life is not just all about their noses in computers, games, ps4's etc etc etc lol.  Be the enforcer and lead your child to be the person you want to see them to be.

Hollar all mommies out there if you were an outdoor gal with out a care in the world with the wind blowing in your hair.  We won't get into fashion because that is the one thing I'm so grateful for to of changed since I was younger haha.

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